I’ve dabbled with std::map(s) in C++ already, yes. But for some reason it just never sticks, so here I am writing a tad bit about it in hopes I will remember it better this time ?!
Here’s the problem: When making a 2D game, often times you want to be able to have multiple types of animation on a component, and play a specific animation under specific gameplay conditions. But I didn’t have that!
Since I already mentioned std::map
, the solution presents itself as std::map<std::string, AnimationClip*> m_AnimationList
Now the question is: How to add and retrieve content from the map?
Luckily, adding something to a std::map
is as simple as a function call.
void AddAnimationClip(std::string AnimationName, AnimationClip* Clip) { m_AnimationList.emplace(AnimationName, Clip); }
And here’s how I retrieve a specific Animation Clip:
AnimationClip* GetAnimationClip(std::string ClipID) {
if (m_AnimationList.count(ClipID) != 0) {
return m_AnimationList[ClipID];
And finally, to play an animation I just have a pointer to the current animation being played, and that’s where all the logic and sprites come from: m_CurrentAnimation = m_AnimationList[AnimationName]
Now, it’s beyond this short post to talk about unordered maps, whether you should be using strings as a key or not, so maybe in the future I can briefly bring that up?!